Kerets'ky (Keretsky, Kereczki) - detailed paper map for printing, free download, road maps, topographic map in jpg

village Kerets'ky (Keretsky, Kereczki) (Zakarpattia oblast, Svaliavs'kyi district).

ZIP code: 89334
GPS coordinates: 48.48009 N, 23.21652 E (Wikimapia)
Download GPX file for Garmin GPS navigator

1:100000 (1-kilometere Soviet General Staff map, there are 1 kilometre in one centimetre)

1:500000 (5-kilometer Soviet General Staff map, there are 5 kilometres in one centimetre)

The map can be used as a route map to navigate through the cities and villages:
Bereznyky, Brid, Bron'ka, Bukovets', Chernyk, Deshkovytsia, Dil, Dovhe, Dusyno, Han'kovytsia, Holiatyn, Il'nytsia, Izky, Kalliv, Kelechyn, Kerets'ky, Krainia Martynka, Kushnytsia, Lopushanka, Lozians'kyi, Lypets'ka Poliana, Lysychovo, Mala Martynka, Medvezhyi, Mizhhir'ya, Nelipyno, Osii, Pidhirne, Plav'ya, Potik, Pryborzhavs'ke, Repynne, Richka, Rososh, Sasivka, Slopovyi, Smolohovytsia, Soimy, Sopky, Stroine, Sukha, Sukhyi, Tiushka, Tybava, Vovchyi.

The map works on the following operating systems:
- Android;
- iOS;
- Mac, OSX.

Page also contains answers to the questions:
- How to get to village Kerets'ky (Keretsky, Kereczki)?
- Where is village Kerets'ky (Keretsky, Kereczki) located?
- Map for phones (tablet).
- Map for genealogical research.

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