Khmel'nyts'kyi (Khmelnytskyi, Xmel'niczkij, Xmelniczkij) - detailed paper map for printing, free download, road maps, topographic map in jpg

village Khmel'nyts'kyi (Khmelnytskyi, Xmel'niczkij, Xmelniczkij) (Luhansk oblast, m. Sverdlovs'k).

GPS coordinates: 47.98262 N, 39.65189 E (Wikimapia)
Download GPX file for Garmin GPS navigator

1:100000 (1-kilometere Soviet General Staff map, there are 1 kilometre in one centimetre)

1:500000 (5-kilometer Soviet General Staff map, there are 5 kilometres in one centimetre)

The map can be used as a route map to navigate through the cities and villages:
Astakhove, Biriukove, Brats'ke, Dar'ino-Yermakivka, Dovzhans'ke, Ivashchenko, Karpove-Kripens'ke, Khmel'nyts'kyi, Novoborovytsi, Verkhn'otuzlove.

The map works on the following operating systems:
- Android;
- iOS;
- Mac, OSX.

Page also contains answers to the questions:
- How to get to village Khmel'nyts'kyi (Khmelnytskyi, Xmel'niczkij, Xmelniczkij)?
- Where is village Khmel'nyts'kyi (Khmelnytskyi, Xmel'niczkij, Xmelniczkij) located?
- Map for phones (tablet).
- Map for genealogical research.

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